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Adjunct professor, Academic advisor, Honorary Professor

Jan Drewes Achenbach (born 20 August 1935) is a professor emeritus (Walter P. Murphy Professor and Distinguished McCormick School Professor) at Northwestern University. Achenbach was born in the northern region of the Netherlands, in Leeuwarden. He studied aeronautics at Delft University of Technology, which he finished with a M.Sc. degree in 1959. Thereafter, he went to the United States, Stanford University, where he received his Ph.D. degree in 1962. After working for a year as a preceptor at Columbia University, he was then appointed as assistant professor at Northwestern University.

Achenbach has developed methods for flaw detection and characterization by using contact transducers, imaging techniques and laser-based ultrasonics. He has also developed methods for thin-layer characterization by acoustic microscopy. Work is both analytical and experimental in nature, with extensive cooperation with investigators from other universities and from industrial organizations on theoretical experimental projects. Work in fracture mechanics has been primarily on dynamic fracture. He also carries out research on structural acoustics and on the mechanical behavior of composite materials.

Achenbach is the founding editor-in-chief of Wave Motion. He was editor in chief from the journal's establishment in 1979, until 2012.


Adjunct professor, Academic advisor

Dr. Qu has a diverse range of expertise in areas such as micromechanics of composites, interfacial fracture and adhesion, fatigue and creep damage in metallic and polymer materials, thermomechanical reliability of microelectronic packaging, and ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of advanced engineering materials. He has authored or co-authored two books, 11 book chapters and over 180 referred journal papers in these areas with an hindex of 41. His research has been sponsored by the US National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, the US Air Force, US Army, DARPA, Department of Energy, and many industries including Motorola, Ford Motor Co., IBM, AT&T, General Electric, Intel, AMD, Northrop Grumman, etc. Dr. Qu is a Fellow of ASME. He is currently on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Computational Methods, and serving as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. He is an adjunct professor at Harbin Institute of Technology and Beijing Institute of Technology, China. He had also been appointed Changjiang Chair Professor at Peking University, Beijing, China, and a Senior Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, and the University of Metz, France.


Adjunct professor, Academic advisor

Prof. Cho, Younho is Head of Dept. Mechanical Systems Design, Pusan National University, Korea.

He obtained PhD from the Pennsylvania State University U.S.A.in the year 1995. After working 8 years as a tenure-track and tenured associate professor at the school of automotive and mechanical engineering, Inje University, South Korea in between 1996 and 2004, he joined the school of mechanical engineering of Pusan National University (PNU), South Korea as a tenure-track faculty.

He is currently working as professor and head of mechanical system design department leading the NDE group of PNU with the appointment of adjunct professor at the civil and environmental engineering department, Northwestern University, U.S. During the period, he was also appointed as a senior research associate professor at Penn State Univ. from 2003 to 2004.



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